Sad and Happy Halloween 2020

 Tue Nov 03, 2020, last updated Thu Mar 24, 2022 -  Jim Deibele

It was both a sad and happy Halloween here in Portland. Our youngest teenager is almost 15 so we definitely didn’t have a lot of cute costumes. There were no worries about meeting up with friends to go trick-or-treating. In the end, we had two people come ring our bell so we could send candy down the chute.

What made it happy was walking the dog leading up to Halloween and Halloween Eve and seeing the precautions people were taking: there were candy chutes, there were paper bags (didn’t rain here!) or plastic bags with candy inside set out, and more complicated measures for distributing candy in a socially distanced way.

So people who wanted to give out candy were acting responsibly. And parents of small children were keeping them home and also acting responsibly.

Neighbor's Halloween Chute for Candy

Neighbor's Halloween Chute for Candy

Neighbor's Halloween Chute for Candy

Our Halloween Chute for Candy